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  • 7.24 in my eyes 日期:2013-06-26 17:59:31 点击:252 好评:0

    创意阐述:该海报,颠覆以往大多海报以鲜明的暖色调,却以灰色的调子为主,以7day+24hours ,为主题,提示我们要时时刻刻关爱我们自己的健康,突出鲜明的主题,是积极向上的表现,黑色的...

  • 一茶一世界 日期:2013-06-26 17:58:07 点击:286 好评:0

    创意阐述: 随着社会的发展,西式餐厅如:酒吧、咖啡厅、西餐厅、麦当劳等对中国传统文化的冲击,使得人们对中国传统茶文化的了解越来越少,特别是年轻一代在餐饮上除了麦当劳,就是...

  • 我的健康我做主 日期:2013-06-26 17:54:53 点击:233 好评:0

    创意阐述: 每个人都有自己所向往喜欢的事物。小女孩很喜欢向日葵,向日葵代表积极、乐观、向上。但是现在有多少人有这种心态呢? 所以,请人们保持一种积极、向上、乐观的心态,做到...

  • 我的健康我做主 日期:2013-06-26 17:53:39 点击:228 好评:0

    创意设计: 本次设计灵感来自于生活中的吃、穿、住、行、睡这些每个人必须做的事情,随着人们越来越快节奏的生活,和对物质生活的追求和改变,在时间的慢慢推移中渐渐形成了一把无形...

  • 我运动,我快乐 日期:2013-06-26 17:51:17 点击:186 好评:177

    创意阐述: 运动带给我们健康同时也带给我们快乐,在忙碌的现代社会,抽出一点时间进行体育锻炼既对健康有益,也缓解我们平常因工作忙碌而忽略自己的健康而留下的许多病痛,该海报运...

  • 让每分每秒都充满健康 日期:2013-06-26 17:47:39 点击:130 好评:0

    广告语: 让每分每秒都充满健康 创意阐述: 我们需要健康。拒绝保健药品。然后就是饮食要有规律,多吃水果青菜.坚持体育锻炼 。一天三餐要按时吃,可以减少胃病的,少抽烟喝酒,多吃水果...

  • Your Choose To Be Healthy 日期:2013-06-26 17:12:04 点击:203 好评:0

    Expound: Whether you are healthy or not all depends on whether you choose to live in a healthy lifestyle or not. So, your own fitness is all up to you, Do not regret until you are sent to hospital. You choose to be healthy! 创意阐述:健康与否取...

  • 健康就是福 日期:2013-06-26 17:09:13 点击:131 好评:0

    Expound: Health is simple as essential for everyone. We pray for luck and health in many traditional ways like lion dance. However, having good health is as simple as do exercise regularly. By a photo of a lion dance and the word 'fuk' on the ground, ...

  • Self-manage Self-love Self-care 日期:2013-06-26 17:05:53 点击:287 好评:0

    Expound: Life care should start from the life management. There are a lot of things waiting for us how to manage and balance your time. This is the key to every day. Early to bed and early to rise,brush your teeth every day, Work based learning and en...

  • Kiss the Green,Hug the Blue 日期:2013-06-26 17:03:09 点击:257 好评:316

    Expound :The spirit of the design is concerned with a very simple concept of heath care, being natural and simple from inside to outside. Kiss the green is not only related to the environmental care, but it implicitly expresses the ideas of Eating mor...
