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当前位置: 网赢天下网>投票系统>
  • 关爱自己,踏上健康人生路 日期:2013-06-26 17:00:46 点击:175 好评:0

    Expound: The design features a background of beach, symbolising the vision of healthy living in harmony with the nature and the environment. The date and the logo of the international self care day reminds people the importance of keeping ourselves in...

  • 丰盛人生 日期:2013-06-26 15:05:49 点击:259 好评:0

    Expound: The design has seven flowers on it, with the 5 red flowers representing the five most important elements to keep us in good condition, and the result will be a great and fruitful life, representing by the yellow flower in the middle. Also, th...

  • 7-24 Self-Care For a HeaLth Life 日期:2013-06-26 14:37:48 点击:136 好评:0

    Design Idea:7-24 Self-Care for a healthy life Description:My idea is that 7-24 self-care can make us have a healthy life. In my work, the clock in the middle stands for each day of one's life. The surroundings are some important elements from differen...

  • Take Care of Yourself 日期:2013-06-26 14:31:43 点击:212 好评:0

    Description:This poster is designed for My View of 7/24 poster competition. The heart represents the overall health of our human body. All those gears embedded in the heart symbolize the balanced physical function of our body, and each gear represents...

  • Care My Life 日期:2013-06-26 14:27:53 点击:183 好评:0

    Description:This poster is designed for 7.24 in my eyes. The reflection of a green seedling on the sunglass is a metaphor of this theme and is also a sign to remind people to care about life, care about health and reflect on their life styles. 创意阐...

  • 倾听你的心跳 日期:2013-06-26 14:12:24 点击:132 好评:0

    Design Idea:Listen to your heartbeat Description:Listen to your heartbeat, this slogan proposes everyone to pay attention to his or her own health status, follow his heart, find the most suitable way of self-care. You know yourself better than anyone ...

  • 老人机 日期:2013-06-26 12:54:11 点击:209 好评:0

    作品名称:老人机 创意阐述: 用蓝色渐变效果体现清新的生活状态,用老人机的外观形象预示健康问题离我们的生活并不遥远。通常在人们健康出问题时,首先想到是120急救中心,作者将呼叫...

  • Are you ok your eyes 日期:2013-06-26 12:47:27 点击:249 好评:0

    广告语:Are you ok your eyes 创意阐述:本设计针对 国际自我保健日《我眼中的724》这一主题思想而设计,主题定为 Are you ok your eyes 你的眼睛还好吗?设计想法主要是想唤起大家对眼睛的爱护。图...

  • 劳逸结合 保健自我 日期:2013-06-26 12:04:33 点击:305 好评:0

    创意阐述:身处喧哗纷争、物欲横流的社会形态下,我们往往都削尖了脑袋往上爬,却忘了停下来 歇一歇,看看沿途的风景。 此作品从正面反映了现在大多数人得生活状态,工作就像一个大转...

  • 熬夜 日期:2013-06-26 11:38:40 点击:228 好评:0

    创意阐述:熬夜,是一种现代生活经常听到或者做到的一种现象,是一种危害人的身体的不良习惯。 现在的人们不管是主动的还是被动的,熬夜,已经是大家习以为常的事。或多或少熬夜,给...
