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ad:tech China 公布最年轻的主题演讲嘉宾 Announce the Youngest Keynote Speaker


  新年快乐! 开工第一天,
  ad:tech China 团队

  ad:tech China 2015 将于4月16日和17日上海盛大举行,精彩的峰会议程将陆续公布,欢迎关注官方微信号adtech_china,轻松地线上注册。2月28日前,峰会通票75折起,最高可省RMB 13,950!

  Brian Wong 首席执行官 CEO, Kiip

  Brian Wong 是Kiip的联合创始人和首席执行官. Kiip是一个移动游戏类别的奖励网络, 通过充分利用在游戏和移动应用软件中”成就时刻”的创新平台, 重新定义移动广告, 同时受益于用户, 开发者和广告主。目前,Kiip已经融资超过1540万,投资方包括Relay Ventures、Hummer Winblad、True Ventures、Digital Garage等。


  Brian卓越的领导才能和所取得的成就使他荣获无数殊荣,其中包括:Business Insider的硅谷25岁以下的创业家前25位和移动广告行业重要人物18位;Forbes’s 30 under 30;Marshable’s 值得关注创业家前5位。Brian之前在社交新闻网站Digg.com领导关键的媒介和技术伙伴发布Digg安卓移动应用,加速公司的移动业务。

  Being called the youngest person to ever receive venture capital funding by CNBC and The Wall Street Journal, Brian Wong, the co-founder and CEO of Kiip, confirmed to keynote @ ad:tech China this April. At 23 years old, Brian is now the youngest speaker who will step onto the ad:tech China stage. Kiip is listed by Forbes as one of the four Hot Online Ad Companies to watch, and is on the Dow Jones FASTech 50 List.


  4月16日 周四  5:10PM – 6:00PM



  在本次主题演讲中,Brian Wong,Kiip首席执行官将对广告营销的未来5-7年做大胆的预测。指导制在新型设备(有些甚至还没有进入市场)中的未来营销计划。学习如何度量人类的感情,充分利用感情因素成为你的优势,随后在消费者可接受的时刻接近他们。按照Brian的话说“即时尤为重要”,它让广告优化焕然一新。

  What is the Future of Advertising on Connected Devices?
  Thursday, April 17th ? 5:10PM – 6:00PM

  Connected devices – wearables and smart items in our homes, cars, and even mobile – enable advertisers to reach consumers 24/7. But in an always-on world, what will this relationship look like?  How can we reach consumers during everyday moments without intruding in their lives? To build brand love onthe mobile channel, marketers need to add instant value.

  In his keynote, Brian will predict where advertising is heading in the next five-to-seven years. He’ll lay out the guidelines for creating a future-proof plan that can be replicated across any new device –even those that haven’t hit the market yet. Learn how to measure human emotion and harness it to your advantage, and then approach consumers during their most receptive moments. In what Brian calls “real time needs addressing,” ad optimization gets a whole new look.


  ad:tech China 峰会通票75折起 ( 截止日期:2015年2月28日)

  微信在线注册已经开通,请点选本文章最上方ad:tech China公帐号,关注并进入公帐号,菜单”更多more”中,注册优惠的峰会通票!
  Early Bird Promo Ticket is Ready! (Ends on February,28)

  You can register through Wechat now! Please click on ad:tech China official account in the beginning of the article. Subscribe and go into the official account. You will find “book now” in the tab “更多more”. Enjoy the Early Bird Rates!

  日期Event Date: 2015年4月16日-17日

  地点Event Location: 上海宝华万豪酒店 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Parkview