结合望湘园菜品——“辣”的特色,以及圣诞元旦的节日氛围,我们产生了系列海报的主题口号: #2017,湘约趣吃辣#。为了让海报,充满趣味性,我们采用了插画+动图的形式,并融入望湘园菜品的食材:牛蛙、辣椒、鸡蛋、鸡、鱼、蘑菇以及他们家的辣椒人卡通形象,而且在每幅平面海报中加入望湘园的品牌基因——花纹,该花纹是我们在望湘园logo的菱形框基础上经过变形得到的。为了进一步增加海报的趣味性,每一个平面海报,我们都根据圣诞节以及元旦的节日氛围,构思有趣、幽默的场景,既帮助望湘园完成本次节日传播的诉求,又增强受众视觉体验的趣味性。
‘South Memory’ is a Chinese chain restaurant brand which founded in 2002, specializing in premium spicy Hunan Cuisine. The brand now has over 60 branches all over China. Having bold and innovative spirit, The Nine, the creative agency founded by Jody Xiong, was appointed to be the exclusive brand design agency for South Memory since 2016. Festival season is coming, South Memory wants to launch a series of Posters to celebrate Christmas, New Year and the coming of the Year of Chicken, meanwhile, to improve the recognition of Chili Pepper Man, the Brand’s Mascot.
Since the Hunan Cuisine is specialized in spicy flavor, The Nine created the slogan of the campaign as ‘2017, let’s go spicy and fun.’ To bring the relaxing humorous to the poster, The Nine made motion graphic posters, combining the personified ingredients such as fish, king frog, mushroom and eggs, with the mascot, Chili Pepper Man. All characters were put into a relaxing yet festive scene, to create a holiday atmosphere. One of the poster was inspired by the coincidence that Christmas and New Year shares the same syllable in the end, and the syllable pronounces just the same as ‘Egg’. In one of the GIF posters, a chicken, implying ‘the Year of Chicken’, lays two eggs, implying ‘Christmas’ and ‘New Year’.
The posters are used in social media communication, and they are also made into videos that played on screens in the restaurants. Thus Jody and his team helped South Memory improved the awareness of the mascot in China and attracted people to have reservation for holiday feasts in South Memory.
回顾The Nine团队奥运期间为望湘园创作的动画视频:
《吃湘喝辣, 做生活的冠军》